I wanted to take a moment and express the importance of spending time with your sisters. Now for some of us, that's our biological sisters, for some of us that's our sisters in Christ, for some of us that's our best gal pals. This past weekend I was in SISTER HEAVEN! Friday night I got a double dose. The evening started out with a fondue book party with sisters in Christ from my church to discuss Francine Rivers book "Redeeming Love". If you haven't read it... do! It's a great portrayal of our relationship with the Lord. How we run from God; run back to our old, sinful lives, and repeatedly he grabs us and pulls us back into his caring embrace. After book club I had the great opportunity to have dinner with gal pals from high school. It's always a great time to catch up on each others lives but also to have frank conversations about important topics that we all face as women. Saturday I had the pleasure of spending a good part of the day with more sisters in Christ at our "Crafter-noon" at church. What a great way to spend a Saturday.... I scrapbook-ed (big surprise!!!) but other sisters quilted, crocheted, cross-stitched, a few more scrap-ed and of course we ALL sat and chatted! It's a great time to fellowship and be creative with one another. Ladies of TBC, you have GOT to join us next time!!!! There are just some things you can only talk about with other women.... and boy did we talk! After the "Crafternoon" was completed we packed up all of our gear and headed home. Fortunately, this was not the end of my scrapping day! My older sister came over to my house to continue scrapbooking. Quite a lot of chit chat and two chick flicks later she headed home to her house. It was a great 24 hour period!!!! Just a note of encouragement... with our busy lives of kids, school, work, husbands, church, family and countless other things don't forget to take time for your "SISTERS"!!!!!!
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